Sunday, October 21, 2007

Manage diabetic’s investment #1

Diabetes is an expensive disease. When a family member has either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, the family's income has to cover medications or insulin and syringes, monitoring equipment and strips, medical visits, diabetes books and magazines, and, of course, healthful foods.

No wonder it's tempting to shortchange the last item.

But healthful foods are actually a blue chip investment. Good nutrition will help keep your blood glucose in balance now and will likely help prevent costly complications and expensive medical care later.

But if you're wondering whether it's possible to stay within a tight budget and still eat well, the answer is yes. The U.S. Department of Agriculture suggests that each member of the family can eat healthfully on as little as $5 a day, if you plan well, shop wisely, and practice cost-wise cooking techniques.

There is a way for avoid expensive diabetic's sufferers:
Plan Your Meal
Weekly Planning

Following these plans above, we can manage our investment well.

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