Sunday, January 27, 2008

Alternative For Cirrhosis Hepatitis

Cirrhosis hepatitis or Cirrhosis of liver is the kind of liver ache. This disease comes because of increasingly tissue at the liver’s fiber and damage of those cells. Cause of Cirrhosis Hepatitis is lowering nutrition and infection because of fatigue or alcoholic poisoned.

Cirrhosis has slowly grown and generally it was in heavy conditions before known. Started when sufferer often feeling weak and has low weight then decrease of food taste, possibility there is digestion disturb.

Besides of lower nutrition, this disease often comes because of too many calc essences that contain in the food such as white wheat flour or rice.

There is alternative treatment you can use for:
Morning: 250cc Carrot Juice
Day: 250cc Carrots Juice mixture and 125cc Spinach Juice
Evening: 250cc Carrots Juice, 100cc Beet Juice mixture and 100cc cucumber Juice
At the afternoon you can drink ½ glass concentrate of the Centella Asiatica leaves.

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